Do you have 7 minutes of brain activity after you die? - Science World

Do you have 7 minutes of brain activity after you die?
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Do you have 7 minutes of brain activity after you die?
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Do you have 7 minutes of brain activity after you die?

Imagine that a patient is fighting for life and death in the ICU of a hospital, and he is lying unconscious due to an overdose of medicines. Meanwhile, the doctor is talking to the relatives of his patient present on the second floor. Now he is there, eating something.

A doctor’s clothes get stained with sauce, and someone can drag him through his court without anyone noticing. Now this may seem like a normal thing to you, and you might be thinking, What nonsense, but here the doctor wakes up the patient in the morning.

After he talks to the doctor When the doctor tells her about himself, the patient says that she had already learned about the doctor last night and also told him the whole story of the sauce falling on the doctor’s clothes and what happened between the second floor and the doctor and his relatives. We had a conversation with him, and he knew every detail of it. Now look, this is not a scene from a science fiction movie.

Do you have 7 minutes of brain activity after you die?
Do you have 7 minutes of brain activity after you die?

Do you have 7 minutes of brain activity after you die? In the year 1970, when Dr. Bruce, an American doctor, was undergoing psychiatrist training, this incident happened to him in reality. In this world, we do not trust the things that we see with our eyes, but on the same day, the experience that the doctor Bruce had changed both his life and his thinking. The patient tells Doctor Bruce that last night he had completed a near-death experience, due to which he had come out of his body and reached the hall, and there he heard him talking about his reality.

Do you have 7 minutes of brain activity after you die?
Do you have 7 minutes of brain activity after you die?

Today, the doctor is a professor of psychiatric science at the University of Virginia and is considered the world’s leading expert on near death. He dedicated his life to the study of near-death experiences, and to date, he has studied the experiences of thousands of patients. But what exactly is this near-death experience?

Do you have 7 minutes of brain activity after you die?
Do you have 7 minutes of brain activity after you die?

Do you have 7 minutes of brain activity after you die? Look, this is such an experience where a person has reached the stage of death and comes back alive. Now, friends, you must have heard such a story from your parents and green parents, or one out of every 10 who has recorded such a study. People start having near-death experiences. They feel as if they are flying. They start seeing strange things and hearing strange voices.

Do you have 7 minutes of brain activity after you die?
Dr. Thomas Fleischmann

Dr. Thomas Fleischmann is a professor at the HRS University of Berlin, and his studies reveal many shocking facts about the near-death experience. He has seen more than 2000 patients die in his life, of whom many percent came back after death. will be alive since

Do you have 7 minutes of brain activity after you die?
Do you have 7 minutes of brain activity after you die?

Do you have 7 minutes of brain activity after you die? And these people had also shared their near-death experiences with Dr. Thomas. He says that in today’s time, there is no scientific explanation for our near-death experience, but when they shared their near-death experience, there was something special in all of them.

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He was able to see a pattern inside, and based on these patterns, Dr. Thomas divided the Near Death Experience into five stages. Out of these, only 10% of people can reach the fifth stage, so let’s go one by one. Let us analyze all these stages and the events occurring in them.

Stage Number 1: Friends, according to the doctor’s forms, a lot of changes are suddenly seen in the bodies of the people who undergo stage one. Their body reaches such a state where they do not feel any pain, and the nervousness like saree fillings goes away from them. The person enjoys himself very peacefully, and during this stage, he becomes convinced that he is dead.

Do you have 7 minutes of brain activity after you die?
Experts lay bare the out-of-body experience and what happens when you die.

Stage No. 2: Hearing what happens in this stage will remind you of the movie Doctor Strange. In Stage 2, his soul leaves the body and goes out. Most of the patients who have experienced this experience have reported that they found themselves flying in the air. While his body is lying in the stomach of the hospital, it is an impossible sentence, but it is true

Do you have 7 minutes of brain activity after you die?
Expert lay bare ‘out of body experience’ and what happens when you die

Do you have 7 minutes of brain activity after you die? When the doctor and the nurse were busy reviving the person who had become alive after treating the patient, they did not tell them all the things about Dr. Thomas, which was the conversation between the doctor and the nurse; he told them all the things. The meaning of eating is that, after doing so, the patient was also able to hear all the things that were happening in the outside world. Now, if we look at this entire situation from a scientific perspective, our brain remains active for about 30 seconds after death. But all the organs inside our body stop working, except the brain; everything stops working.

Do you have 7 minutes of brain activity after you die?
our brain remains active for about 30 seconds after death

Then how, after death, do these people hear the things happening around them like this? Dr. Thomas has not been able to answer this question to date.

Stage Number 3: Friends: About 98% of the people who reach this stage have said that after some time they start feeling completely comfortable, whereas the remaining 2% start hearing strange, scary sounds. There is a loud noise all around, Which makes it scary with him looking like he’s arrived at the gates of hell

Do you have 7 minutes of brain activity after you die?

Do you have 7 minutes of brain activity after you die?
Experts lay bare ‘out of body experience’ and what happens when you die.

Stage No. 4: Complete Darkness A B Shining lights are seen, which are attractive Every day takes the form of a tunnel, which becomes so attractive that people start flying towards it.

Stage Number 5 Now, friends, as I had already told you, only 10% of the people who reached here had experienced the near-death experience. Look, after going inside the tunnel, the patient sees such a beautiful world, which also has attractive colors and soulful music. After seeing this beautiful world that is filled with unconditional love, the patient starts getting closer to himself.

Some people who have reached this stage have said that when they have flashbacks of their lives going on in their minds, they decide to go back to Earth because, according to them, there are many incomplete tasks in their lives that they want to complete before their deaths.

Do you have 7 minutes of brain activity after you die? Themes also told us here that he has also met his family and friends at this beautiful place. It is about those stages that no one knows about. A person rushes to do what he wants to do and feels after doing it, but between these stages, how on earth is the human body rejecting him, and what kind of activity is there in his love? Then see this article published by Dekhod Mirror, according to the patient at the time of dying. Many doctors around the world have

Do you have 7 minutes of brain activity after you die?

We noticed similar changes in the body, which we describe in four stages

  • Stage 1: The body reacts.
  • Stage 2: Shallow Breathing
  • Stage 3: Sleep
  • Stage 4: Brain Activity

Stage 1: The body reacts: Like you friends, when a patient starts moving towards death, his body gradually starts shutting down, his blood pressure starts falling, and his heart rate also becomes slow. Due to this, most of the patients start feeling uncomfortable and move towards such a stage. They start changing until they become completely calm.

Stage 2: Shallow Breathing Friends, at this stage, the patient starts breathing very slowly; he starts losing control over his mouth and lips, due to which oxygen is not able to reach his heart, and the heart stops beating.

Stage 3: Sleep Friends, in this stage, patients start losing their senses and start going into deep sleep, which gives them relief from their pain and suffering forever. However, at this time, some patients notice nervousness and restlessness before sleep. But some patients do not even realize that they are not able to breathe properly, and gradually, the number of tips starts increasing.

Stage 4: Brain Activity: You, friends, a lot of research indicates that people can hear even after listening. Yes, this is true, but at the time they do not even realize it; it does not occur to them that I am listening to someone’s words. What is going on? Or what is being talked about, or is it exactly the same as talking in another language?

Do you have 7 minutes of brain activity after you die? So, he tells us everything, but what is he actually saying? According to some research related to death experience, even after doing some research related to death experience, the name of the award remains in the brain of a person, due to which he knows the thing after listening to it but does not know about love.

Do you have 7 minutes of brain activity after you die?

There is no scientific information yet about how long this awareness remains active and what kind of sound the person in love reacts to.

Do you have 7 minutes of brain activity after you die?
Do you have 7 minutes of brain activity after you die?

Do you have 7 minutes of brain activity after you die? Although the love activity of a dying person has been understood to a high extent in this article of Medical News Today, it has been told here that in Near Death Experience, the patient has experienced similar patterns, but despite this, it is quite unique in itself, and these are recorded. it’s not that easy to do When a person is about to die, the TPJ part of his brain becomes active.

TPC means this is the part of the brain that is found in the back part of the brain, between the temporal and occipital. In this part of the head, it is also linked to dreaming, hallucinations, and altered states of consciousness.

It is seen that, if understood in this word, whenever a person has dreams or starts having illusions, then there is movement in the TPJ text, that is, in the minds of scientists and doctors, This makes everything special

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