Geminids meteor shower 2023: where to see it in India. - Science World

Geminids meteor shower 2023: where to see it in India.
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Geminids meteor shower 2023: where to see it in India.
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Geminids meteor shower 2023: where to see it in India.

First of all, look at the headline of this article on the website of the European Space Agency. The Hubble Space Telescope has discovered a strange expansion, too, at a very.

Geminids meteor shower 2023: where to see it in India.
First of all, look at the headline of this article on the website of the European Space Agency.

unexpected place and the name of this essay in a 2023 FHN. The finch But what is so special about it? well, whenever it comes to the explosion, the first thought that comes our mind is Supernova, but this explosion was not a Supernova explosion; the place where it was present was away

There was not even a trace of any black hole in the collision of a neutron star; this is an LFBT (Luminous Fast Blu-Optical Transient). Today, we have progressed so much in the field of astronomy that we do not need to manually keep an eye on the sky for 24 hours with a telescope.

Palamar Observation in California: telescopes like the ZV.S.

Geminids meteor shower 2023: where to see it in India.
Palomar Obser in California telescopes.

Palamar Observation in California: telescopes like the ZV.S. Transient facility located at Palamar Observation in California will scan the entire sky every two days and inform us about every visible explosion.

What is a luminous fast blue optical transient?

Once the information is received, a network of telescopes spread across the world begins studying that particular explosion. Now there is nothing like mystery left in a supernova explosion for scientists because we have studied them very deeply. Recently, we have seen some such explosions in the sky, which we do not have an explanation for. Yes, I am talking (LFBTS), Luminous fast blue optical transient Now, at first sight

Geminids meteor shower 2023: where to see it in India.

These appear to be supernova explosions but their features are quite different from those of a typical supernova We discovered the first such explosion on June 16, 2018, which was named A 2018 CUD. The explosion is CGCG 137 in the Hercules constellation, 200 million light years away. It was detected in a galaxy named 068 and Sice.

Since then, five more such astronomically transient events have been observed but scientists do not have any explanation for them Now, when it comes to explanation, this is the first thing we think about. It looks like this would be a supernova explosion. A type 2 supernova is the most common explosion in the universe. It involves a high bang that releases light and heat as well as matter. A typical supernova reaches its peaks immediately; it does not increase in brightness; it gradually reduces its brightness and disappears completely.

Why they are called luminous fast Blue optical transient.

Geminids meteor shower 2023: where to see it in India.
Geminids meteor shower 2023: where to see it in India.

Geminids meteor shower 2023: where to see it in India.If it gets a little too bright, more matter gets released inside it. One may turn out to be a little dim, but there is no major difference to be seen between all the Sunova events. But in the case of explosions like AT2018, a different science is seen; their intensity is about 100 times more than a typical supernova. They reach their peak brightness within one to two days, and within a week they emit a large number of X-rays, which is why they are called luminous fast Blue optical transient

Geminids meteor shower 2023: where to see it in India.
Geminids meteor shower 2023: where to see it in India.

Scientists believe that if these are really supernova explosions.

Geminids meteor shower 2023: where to see it in India. Astronomically, events like LFBTS are named optical transients; we see only one on average every year, which is not even 0.1 of the total supernova events we observe. Scientists believe that if these are really supernova explosions, then, brother, something very strange is really happening here.

Geminids meteor shower 2023: where to see it in India.

Geminids meteor shower 2023: where to see it in India.
Geminids meteor shower 2023: where to see it in India.

These astronomical transients emit a lot of energy and light; their temperature reaches millions of degrees Celsius, and the speed of the matter emitted from them is 50 times that of light. This means that some powerful explosion is definitely happening here, but the problem is that we humans are not able to explain it. Now if we look at it, one explanation for this is that perhaps black holes can evolve here, and this is because black holes are the only objects that can make such powerful emissions so quickly, and at some point they also release a-rays.

What is a black hole?

Geminids meteor shower 2023: where to see it in India.
Black Hole

Geminids meteor shower 2023: where to see it in India. Look, when a star comes very close to a black hole, gas is often seen that destroys it, and this sense of devastation is as bright and destructive as a supernova event. Such events are called TDE (tidal disruption events). At first glance, events like A2018 are much different from TDE. Match till date, but the problem is that the TDE is not a new phenomenon.

All about Tidal disruption Events.

Tidal disruption Event | Geminids meteor shower 2023: where to see it in India.
Geminids meteor shower 2023: where to see it in India.

Geminids meteor shower 2023: where to see it in India. For us, we have observed thousands of such events in the past, and on this basis, scientists can say that LFBT and TDES are quite different from each other. There is no evolution of any black hole at all, and these claims are confirmed by our new discovery, whose name is AT2023FHN. It has been given the nickname Finchand and was discovered by the Zwioky transit facility only in April 2023.

Geminids meteor shower 2023: where to see it in India.

But after all, how does this refute the conspiracy? theory of black hole evolution behind this event?

Well, the reason for this is that this explosion named Finch has not been seen in any galaxy but in intergalactic space, and that is why I said that we have seen a very strange explosion that has been discovered at an unexpected place. An intergalactic space is an empty space between two galaxies, and according to the website, this explosion has happened in the intergalactic space present between two galaxies.

Geminids meteor shower 2023: where to see it in India.
Geminids meteor shower 2023: where to see it in India.

Geminids meteor shower 2023: where to see it in India. On one hand, it is at a distance of 50000 light years from the nearest spiral galaxy, while on the other hand, its distance from the nearest Dava Galaxy is also 15000 light-years At some point, it was also at a distance of about 290 crore light years from our earth, but now the question is:. How can we say that this is an LFBT? Now, nothing can be said with 100% assurance, but its features match 100% with those on LFBT.

It has high brightness and a high content release. During the explosion, its temperature was very high; we could see blue light in it, and it was also released.

Two giant stars must have collided with each other. All these explanations completely fail in the Fiches’ case because it is very difficult to form any supermassive black hole or galaxy, but can a neutron star be involved in this? It is possible that this is a kilonova explosion. When two neutron stars collide, we get to see a very bright blast of electromagnetic radiation, and this is called a kilonova explosion.

Geminids meteor shower 2023: where to see it in India.
Geminids meteor shower 2023: where to see it in India.

Often, during the collision of galaxies, neutron stars, like super-dense objects, are thrown out of their galaxy Now it is possible that two neutron stars may have collided with each other, and we are considering this as an event. My friend, what you are considering the mother of coincidence is actually a comedy; in reality, coincidence is formed when there is no similarity between the color and appearance of Kilonova and LFBT.

Geminids meteor shower 2023: where to see it in India.
Geminids meteor shower 2023: where to see it in India.

It means that Scientsis definitely imagines it as a kilonova explosion, but there are a lot of differences in the basic features of both explosions. There are a lot of differences, and neither the black hole nor the neutron star nor any other star can see any evolution here Now, finally, let us compare the LFBT beauties to the most powerful and energetic explosions of the universe, the ex-Gomma Ray Burst. If we compare also, then we see that a gamma ray burst is released only during supernova events, but its duration is only a few.

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