How big was Earth before Theia compared to Earth? - Science World

How big was Earth before Theia compared to Earth?
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How big was Earth before theia compared to Earth?
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How big was Earth before Theia compared to Earth?

On March 26, 2020, a team of scientists from the University of Jeena Estate published their discovery which told them that two joint valves have been found in the Pacific Ocean and the African continent, which are named (L-L-S-V-P) Ther for (large lower shear velocity provinces )It is actually present in the Earth’s mantle and according to scientists it is no other planet Theia.

How big was Earth before theia compared to Earth?
How big was Earth before theia compared to Earth?

All About Theia Planet.

Theia is a planet that collided with the Earth about 450 crore years ago and that is why it is visible in our night sky today which is our Moon but the question is that after all these two joint balls. How did we discover this without peeping under the ground? These pieces are actually the planet, now Theia is the Earth’s mantle.

How big was Earth before theia compared to Earth?
How big was Earth before theia compared to Earth?

Large low-shear velocity provinces (LLSVPS) have remained one of the most mysterious features of the Earth’s mantle since first observed in the 80’s Seismic tomography shows (LLSVP) as colossal blobs slowing Down Seismic waves and Setting beneath Africa and the Pacifica Ocean. Their location is on the core-mantle bound.

Their presence in the earth’s metals was produced in the year 1980 itself, but there was no time to prove their existence, in the last decade, various studies proved not only their existence but also the possibility behind their formation. Also searched for the region.

How big was Earth before theia compared to Earth?
How big was Earth before theia compared to Earth?

How big was Earth before Theia compared to Earth?

Now with the help of this 3D model, we can understand everything better. A bulb-like structure is seen floating in the area of the lowermost mantle very close to the Earth’s code. Friends, as you can see, the clock is not spread in the entire mantle. It has two main types of privacy, Pacific LLSVP, and AfricanLLSVP, these are the only two privacy that are spread over an area of more than 1000 kilometers and friends, not only this, the height of the gloves is also more than 100 kilometers.

​Now just for comparison, the height of the highest peak on the earth’s surface, i.e. Mount Everest, is 88.8 inches less, which means it is 100 times higher than the privacy amount. Not surprisingly, this globe’s skill location also matches with the most popular hotspots on the earth.

How big was Earth before theia compared to Earth?
How big was Earth before theia compared to Earth?

Large low-shear velocity provinces.

Large – Shear- Velocity provinces,(LLSVPS) also called LLVPS or Superplumes are characteristics
Structures of Part of the lowermost mantle (the region Surrounding the outer case ) of Earth, These Provinces are Characterized by slow shear wave velocities and were discovered by seismic tomography of deep earth. There are two main provinces the African LLSVP and the Pacific LLSVP. Both extend laterally for thousands of kilometers and possibly up to 1000 kilometers (1900 miles) across and underlie four hotspot plumes underneath these zones.

Many times, a volcano erupts in such an area without any warning indication.

How big was Earth before Theia compared to Earth?


In geology, hotspots (or hot Spots) are volcanoes thought to be by underlying mantel that is anomalously hot and comprised of the surrounding mantle Examples Include the Howai, Iceland, and Yellowstone hotspots. A hotspot’s position on the Earth’s Surface is independent of tectonic plate boundaries, and so hotspots may create a chain of volcanoes as the plates move above them.

How was the Earth’s interior identified?

Now you must be thinking brother, all this is fine, but who is discovering all this by going inside the earth? If it is a deep crater, it is Coil Super Tmol, then it is only 12262 m deep, then we are in the lowermost part of the earth’s mantle. How could they know of his death Actually friends, there is some secret behind this Seismic Tomography technique.

Seismic tomography

Seismic Tomography is a technique for imaging the subsurface of the Earth with seismic waves produced by earthquakes or explosions, p-, S- and Surface waves can be used for tomographic models of different resolutions basedon seismic wavelength, Wave source distance, and the Seismograph array coverage. The date received at Sesmomogras is.

How big was Earth before theia compared to Earth?
How big was Earth before theia compared to Earth?

Now something similar happens in tomography also. When earthquakes occur, explosions are produced from the earth’s surface. With the help of these system waves, we are able to study the different layers present inside the earth and Can also create 3D images inside.

How big was Earth before Theia compared to Earth?

New Theory Suggests large blobs of material in Earth’s mantle are remnants of Protoplanet Theia.

Now in the year 2000, Arizona State University told some special things to its team of scientists which is like this.

A team of Scientists at Arizona State University has proposed that the large blobs of materials in Earth’s mantle (the large – Shear Velocity provinces LLSVPs) may be leftover pieces of Theia, a protoplanet Theorized to have struck Earth, resulting in the creation of the moon. the group their case at this year’s Lunar and Planetary Science conference and are awaiting publication in Geophysical research letters.

Look, Joint Impact explains the formation of hypotenuse, according to which, during the period 450 crore years ago, Hodeaneon when only about two or three crore years had passed since the formation of the solar system, a photo planet named Theia appeared whose size was equal to the March of today. must have come and collided with the earth

How big was Earth before theia compared to Earth?
How big was Earth before theia compared to Earth?

Now due to this collision, due to the collision between Earth and Theia, its friend particles and molten redox were released and they later went on to form the Moon. Now an analysis of Luna Rocks published in the year 2016 shows that the collision between Earth and Theia was not direct. This must have been happening and the formation of the Moon was taking place due to the mix of its parent body,. according to our research paper published in the year 2021, the remains of this protoplast named Pariya were present in the Earth’s mantle. Nature on 1 November 2023 Our new studies and claims are published in General. See the heading of this research paper.

Moon – Farming Impactor as a Source of Earth’s Basd mantale anomalies)

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