Top 10 DANGERS of Vitamin B12 Deficiency BEWARE  - Science World

Top 10 DANGERS of Vitamin B12 Deficiency BEWARE
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What are the serious consequences of vitamin B12 deficiency?
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Top 10 DANGERS of Vitamin B12 Deficiency BEWARE 

Top 10 DANGERS of Vitamin B12 Deficiency  BEWARE 
Top 10 DANGERS of Vitamin B12 Deficiency BEWARE ?

Top 10 DANGERS of Vitamin B12 Deficiency BEWARE  Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient that plays a key role in the human body. It helps produce red blood cells and helps the nervous system function properly. It’s important to remember that our body does not produce Vitamin B12 on its own, which means that we do not obtain this nutrient from the foods we eat. Unfortunately, a portion of the adult population is not getting enough.

This important vitamin can lead to several physical and psychological problems.

Top 10 DANGERS of Vitamin B12 Deficiency  BEWARE 
Top 10 DANGERS of Vitamin B12 Deficiency BEWARE 

This is known as having a vitamin B12 deficiency, which can lead to many unwanted signs and symptoms. There are a few health dangers to having a vitamin B12 deficiency.

Top 10 DANGERS of Vitamin B12 Deficiency  BEWARE 
Top 10 DANGERS of Vitamin B12 Deficiency BEWARE 

And that is exactly what we are going to talk about in the article. Be sure to read until the end because there’s one that not too many people are aware of, so if you’re ready, let’s get into it.

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Top 10 DANGERS of Vitamin B12 Deficiency  BEWARE 
Top 10 DANGERS of Vitamin B12 Deficiency BEWARE 

Just a Quick reminder: we are not doctors This video is for informational purposes only, and it is the first dangerous sign. What we should mention is that we may experience a higher level of fatigue.

Top 10 DANGERS of Vitamin B12 Deficiency  BEWARE 
Top 10 DANGERS of Vitamin B12 Deficiency BEWARE 

Fatigue is one of the most common signs of vitamin B12 deficiency because this vitamin is involved in the production of red blood cells. Contain a property known as hemoglobin, which transports oxygen to all of the other cells and tissues of the body. If your body isn’t getting enough vitamin B12, it inhibits the production of red blood cells, which means that your body cannot transport oxygen effectively. This leaves you feeling weak.

Top 10 DANGERS of Vitamin B12 Deficiency  BEWARE 
Top 10 DANGERS of Vitamin B12 Deficiency BEWARE 

Top 10 DANGERS of Vitamin B12 Deficiency BEWARE  And tired, which explains why increased levels of fatigue are one of the most common signs of a vitamin B12 deficiency, and unfortunately, fatigue negatively impacts. Every other aspect of our lives, which is why it’s something that we should definitely avoid, is another unfortunate symptom.

To be aware of the skin of those who are deficient in vitamin B12. Tends that have a pole are slightly circular in appearance; this sign is also due to the role. Vitamin B12 plays in the production of red blood cells a lack of red blood cells in circulation.

Top 10 DANGERS of Vitamin B12 Deficiency  BEWARE 
Top 10 DANGERS of Vitamin B12 Deficiency BEWARE 

Pigmentation of your skin to become Pole in color and vitamin B12 deficiency can also result in Excus bilirubin, which is a brown-colored Substance that is produced by the liver When excus bilirubin is present, it can result in a yellow or Joundiced discoloration of your skin another symptom to be aware of is mood swings Studies found that people who are deficient in vitamin B12. have higher homocysteine levels, which can cause damage to brain tissue and interrupt.

Top 10 DANGERS of Vitamin B12 Deficiency  BEWARE 
Top 10 DANGERS of Vitamin B12 Deficiency BEWARE 

The signals that travel to and from the brain can lead to a mood swing and emotional instability. Research also found that there is a link between vitamin B12 deficiency and mood disorders. Such as depression and dementia, which are, in some cases, another cause of B12 deficiency. What we should mention is that Dizzine’s vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to anemia, which can result.

Top 10 DANGERS of Vitamin B12 Deficiency  BEWARE 
Top 10 DANGERS of Vitamin B12 Deficiency BEWARE 

feelings of shortness of breath over time, this can make you feel lightheaded and off-balance. Again, it all goes back to a lack of production of red blood cells in the body.

Blurred vision:

Top 10 DANGERS of Vitamin B12 Deficiency  BEWARE 
Top 10 DANGERS of Vitamin B12 Deficiency BEWARE 

Blurred vision is the next important symptom that we should discuss. As mentioned earlier, a lack of vitamin B12 can lead to damage within the nervous system. They include the optic nerve, which is a bundle of more than one million nerve fibers that transmit sensory information and vision.

When this transmission is affected, it can result in optic neuropathy, which explains why those who lack vitamin B12 may experience blurred or disturbed vision when this transmission is affected. It can result in optic neuropathy, which explains why those who lack vitamin B12 may be experiencing blurred or disturbed vision while losing it.

Clear vision can be alarming, but a vitamin B12 supplement has been shown to reverse this.

Top 10 DANGERS of Vitamin B12 Deficiency  BEWARE 
Top 10 DANGERS of Vitamin B12 Deficiency BEWARE 

However, as always, please speak with your doctor first before doing so, because they will know more about your individual condition and can provide information on the risks, benefits, and recommended dosage.

Tinglig in your Hands or feet?

Top 10 DANGERS of Vitamin B12 Deficiency BEWARE 
Top 10 DANGERS of Vitamin B12 Deficiency BEWARE 

The next symptom on our list is the uncomfortable feeling in your hands and feet. As you can see, nerve damage is quite common with a vitamin B12 deficiency. Another side effect of nerve damage is the feeling of numbers or tingling in our hands or feet. Vitamin B12 plays an important role in the production of myelin.

Which is a fatty substance that surrounds the nerves to provide both insulation and protection. When your body lacks vitamin B12, it produces less myelin, which affects the nervous system and can result in a tingling sensation that you may be feeling. Keep in mind that these symptoms can also result. I just wanted to bring to your attention that it could very well be because your body isn’t getting enough vitamin B12.

If you have difficulty concentrating, this could be a sign of vitamin B12 deficiency. This is known as a cognitive impairment, which means that you may have a hard time concentrating, thinking, or reasoning.

It can even cause cloud memory loss as well Some studies have linked a vitamin B12 deficiency with dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease. This type of cognitive impairment is believed to be related.

Less oxygen is reaching the brain again; this is due to a lack of red blood cells. the next dangerous sign that you should be aware of is its changes in mobility.

Changes in mobility

Top 10 DANGERS of Vitamin B12 Deficiency BEWARE 
Top 10 DANGERS of Vitamin B12 Deficiency BEWARE 

If left untreated, it can disrupt your coordination and balance, which can lead to serious injuries.

Once again, this occurs as a result of nerve damage that is caused by a lack of vitamin B12. While this symptom is more common in the elderly population, it can occur in those who are younger. As well, especially if your body has been deficient in vitamin B12 for an extended period of time. Next up on our list is a loss of appetite; your digestive tract can also be affected.

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